Tag Archives: Tibet

Enough! Global Intervention to Save Tibetan Lives – Calgary Style

First off, welcome to Students For a Free Tibet Calgary Chapter! With all of things going on in SFT and all of the news updates we post, having this blog is going to be super useful. On here you’ll find updates from various members of SFT Calgary, stories of interest relating to Tibet, Tibetan Communities and Supporters, and lots of activism! I hope everyone who reads this enjoys this site and learns a little more about us and what SFT is all about.

On that note, yesterday was our first big action of the semester. The Tibetan Association of Alberta organized a protest and candle light vigil for a dedicated time of six hours. That’s love. The reason for this? Recent self-immolation of Tibetan monks and nuns in Tibet. As of today, nine Tibetans in Tibet have decided to set themselves on fire, in protest of the PRC’s continued human rights abuses and religious oppression. Five have died. We saw this as a desperate, last attempt, by people in Tibet and knew that their message must be carried on by what little we could do. So yesterday, all around the world, Tibetan communities and supporters staged actions, protests, vigils, in hopes that these voices will finally make the change and impact desperately needed in Tibet.

Save Tibetan Lives

I was so moved and impressed by the global map I saw, pinpointing who and where in the world people were participating in the action. You can find it here.

This totally reinforces my belief that what we’re doing, the objective we’re pursuing, is not futile, and is very realistic. So realistic I can almost taste it. I have to keep this short, but I want to end with saying THANK YOU, to everyone around the world. I feel so motivated now and I hope you do too!

Want to learn more? Here you go,




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